Metal Gear has become the David Lynch of video games. It sure does look pretty but I’ll be damned if I know what’s going on. I made it through Metal Gear Solid 4 and felt I understood a good 73% of it and now you have Metal Ground Solid: Ground Zeroes in the works and that weird as hell trailer for The Phantom Pain, which may or may not be Metal Gear Solid 5, or it could be part of Ground Zeroes…..Kojima, that all I got. Kojima.
So let’s add another car to this Metal Gear crazy train and show you the newest trailer for [amazon_link id=”B002I0J8FI” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance[/amazon_link], the slice ’em up game that is developed by Platinum Games. In it, Raiden….I honestly don’t know what is going on plot wise but I do know that the gameplay looks fun in a Devil May Cry/Dynasty Warriors way. Can we just cut sh** up and not worry about story? Watch the trailer below.
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