Ultimate Warrior Passes Away


In a cruel twist, Jim Hellwig, better known as The Ultimate Warrior passed away yesterday at the age of 54. He had just been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame last Saturday and made appearances at WrestleMania 30 on Sunday and WWE Raw on Monday where he gave one of his famous Warrior promos that turned out to be a bit of horrible foreshadowing.

Reports are that Warrior collapsed outside his hotel in Arizona while walking his wife to the car. He was pronounced dead after arriving at a local hospital.

This is a shot in the gut to wrestling fans everywhere, especially after finally having him back in the WWE after 18 years. He was not the most popular of guys, but it looks like a lot of old wounds were mended over WrestleMania weekend between Warrior and a lot of old WWE stars.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and two daughters during this time.

If this was the price of having him back this past weekend, it was too high.


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