Tag: Review Roundup
Review Roundup: Alien: Isolation
If you know me, or are on the site enough, you know that Alien is my favorite film franchise of all time. I went through the pain of Alien: Colonial Marines (check out my review) and have been awaiting Alien: isolation since it was first shown. Creative Assembly looked like they were trying to erase…
Review Roundup- Watch Dogs
Almost two years after its surprise reveal at E3 2012, Watch Dogs is finally ready for everyone to hack away to their hearts content. The game was originally planned for release in November 2013, but was delayed only a few weeks from release with no new release date given which, of course, made the internet…
Review Roundup: Infamous: Second Son
By now, we are assuming you have been done with Killzone: Shadow Fall for some time and have been awaiting Sony’s next first-party title for the PS4. The wait is over with the release of Infamous: Second Son, Sucker Punch’s third game in the franchise. Seven years have past since the events of Infamous 2 and…
Review Roundup: Titanfall
Well it is finally here; the game many bought an Xbox One for. Titanfall is launching and the reviews are starting to come in. Is it the killer app that Xbox One owners have been waiting on? Note: Our review will be up after we have spent plenty of time on public servers playing the…
Review Roundup: South Park: The Stick Of Truth
It is finally time to head on down to South Park. Today sees the release of South Park: The Stick of Truth and it looks like the gods of comedy have shone down on the game. Despite some technical issues (resulting in the “not yet” score by Kotaku), the first reviews of South Park are saying…
Review Roundup: Thief
Garrett is back, making his stealthy debut on next-gen consoles. When the first gameplay was shown last year, many called it a Dishonored clone which meant that they had never played the original Thief which Dishonored borrowed heavily from. Now Thief is back to claim its spot as the premier stealth title on the market.…
Review Roundup: Ryse: Son Of Rome
The most talked about Xbox One title has had the wraps taken off of it. Ryse: Son of Rome has been talked about -mostly negatively- since its announcement at E3 this year. Can the reviews make believers out of the naysayers? Let’s just say there is rough sailing ahead. IGN– 6.8/10 “What’s there isn’t at all…
Review Roundup: Assassin’s Creed IV
Time to set sail on the high seas today with the release of [amazon_link id=”B00BMFIXKQ” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Assassin’s Creed IV[/amazon_link]. People are understandably excited about the next entry in the franchise, including me, even though Assassin’s Creed III left a bad taste in many people’s mouths with its excessive hand-holding and feeling like they…