Tag: E3
Scott’s E3 2014 Predictions
Last year’s E3 is but a distant memory. We now have shiny new consoles in front of us and now we are like an addict needing a hit. E3 is here to give us a fix, if only for a brief moment. Here are my predictions of what I think will happen as the…
Far Cry 4 To Be Set In The Himalayas
Eurogamer is reporting that Far Cry 4 will see a drastic change in setting and take place in the Himalayas. Far Cry has always been associated with tropical settings (or just damn hot if we are talking about Far Cry 2), so the switch to the mountainous terrain will be a huge shift. The gameplay will…
Exculsive: Every E3 Title Reviewed! Video Gamer TV has the Scoop on all the Hottest Unreleased Titles!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6wV4twnMew Here at NerdRating, we do our absolute best to bring you news and reviews in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, our lack of a time machine prevents us from reviewing games that we haven’t actual played, especially the ones that haven’t even been released yet. However, I’m sad to say that we’ve apparently been going…
Nintendo’s E3 Direct Gets Equally Funny Treatment
Just because Nintendo did not have a big, bright and flashy press conference does not mean that they are exempt from the funny brought to you once again by Matt Lees at Videogamer.com. Just like with the Microsoft and Sony press conferences he skewers everything about Nintendo’s announcements which underwhelmed to say the least. http://youtu.be/xFDthoYQr4E
Microsoft Turns Tail on Xbox One Requirements
Let’s all just take a moment and enjoy this, how about it? What started as a rumor reported by Giant Bomb has now been confirmed by several articles, the most prominent coming from IGN: Microsoft has decided to rethink the always online / game pass code / no used games / rivers of blood…
E3 2013 Winners And Losers
How was that for an E3? After a lackluster event last year, things sure did take a massive upswing this year with Sony and Microsoft bringing out the big guns for their new consoles. And it wasn’t just new shiny black boxes that stole the show. Developers brought their full support with a host of…
The Walking Dead: 400 Days Is Add-On For Season One, Choices Carry To Season Two
Telltale Games is making the wait on Season Two of their acclaimed The Walking Dead video game a little bit easier to bear. The Walking Dead: 400 Days is a one episode piece of DLC that will focus on five survivors as their lives intersect at a truck stop. Each survivor has a playable section…
Microsoft And Sony Press Conferences Made Hilarious In Eight Minutes
Mr. Matt Lees at Videogamer put together these hilarious videos for the Microsoft and Sony press conferences that should leave you with a cheerful tear in your eye. If you are wary about if they will be worth your time, the best way I can describe them is they are like the Honest Trailers for movies, just…
Infamous: Second Son Gameplay Is More Than Smoke And Mirrors
The Infamous series has been one of the most enjoyable of this past generation. Two quality open-world adventures with protagonist Cole McGrath proved Sucker Punch one of the best developers under Sony’s umbrella. Now the PS4 is here and it is time for a new direction for the franchise. Infamous: Second Son is set seven…
Microsoft’s Solution For No Internet? Buy An Xbox 360.
OK, so Sony basically turned their press conference into a prison rape scene from OZ the other night. But it’s not lost Microsoft. Just stay on point and keep focused on games and above all else, for the love of God, don’t say anything stupid. Shit, who let Don Mattrick talk again? Geoff Keighley at…