Ryan Reynolds Gives An Update On The “About To Be/Never To Be” Made Deadpool Movie

Photo courtesy furiousfanboys.com
Photo courtesy furiousfanboys.com

Even if you are a fan of [amazon_link id=”B001GCUO16″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]X-Men Origins: Wolverine[/amazon_link] (God, why?) you have to admit that the character of Wade Wilson “aka Deadpool” was completely and utterly gang raped. It was like watching Santa Claus get sodomized by the Easter Bunny while The Tooth Fairy (The Rock, not the mystical character) filmed the entire thing.

Things must be righted. Deadpool demands a better movie treatment and who in God’s name knows if we will ever get it?

How about Ryan Reynolds? You know, the guy who was Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins and is supposed to play the character again in his own solo flick fixing all of the wrongs that have been perpetrated on the character.

In an interview with Total Film, Reynolds gave the most honest update ever on a movie. It was quite Deadpool-like.

“That movie is alive and kicking, and then it’s dead as a doornail. Then it’s alive and kicking and then it’s dead… it’s like the worst relationship I’ve ever had!”

“The character knows he’s a comic-book character, he knows he’s in a film, he knows who the executives are at the studio making the movie,” Reynolds explained. “In the current iteration of the script, Deadpool is aware of the Wolverine movie. He doesn’t say anything disparaging about it but he does at one point play with the Deadpool action figure with some curiosity.

It does show you how strong nerds like me feel about Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool that he can survive a disaster the size of the last Wolverine movie and still have fans wanting him to play the part again if only to right the ship.

Deadpool only wants three things:

1. Boobies

2. Tacos

3. A good movie


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