Is Walter White headed to Metropolis? All signs point to yes with reports being that the Breaking Bad star has signed on to be Lex Luthor, Superman’s main nemesis in 2015’s Man of Steel sequel. If this turns out to be true maybe this will shut some people up about Ben Affleck being cast as Batman, which I still think will pay off.
The part of this that screams rumor is that Cranston has signed on to appear as the villain for 6-10 movies. Add that to the fact that some sites are saying Affleck is signed on for thirteen appearances as Batman and you probably have some truth floating in a sh** river of make believe.
Cranston looks like the clear fan favorite for the part especially with Breaking Bad in the middle of its final season. This would give the Batman/Superman movie a new group of fans that will follow Cranston to the theaters. Also, he was in Affleck’s Argo so there is a connection there between the actors that could have served as a hook to get Cranston involved.
Batman vs. Superman releases on July 17, 2015.
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