Here are the quick hits from the world of movies, TV, games, blacksmithing, hummus, whatever catches our fancy.
The Incredibles and Ratatouille will be converted to 3D for future re-release in theaters. Never cared for Ratatouille that much, but I will gladly pay handsomely to see Frozone in 3D.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Marc Webb will not be returning to direct The Amazing Spider-Man 4 (yes, 4). Ease up there Sony, Spider-Man is not The Avengers. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves.
James Mangold will begin work on the follow-up to The Wolverine after X-Men: Apocalypse releases in 2016. With Hugh Jackman recently saying his tenure as the adamantium man is winding down, I can see this being his final hoorah as Wolvie.
Here is a new banner for Maleficent starring Angelina Jolie. This time she has wings. She gained horns last poster. Slowly they are just revealing she is Satan incarnate before the movie opens.
American Horror Story
Writer Douglas Petrie has revealed that the fourth season of the horror anthology show will have a carnival theme in the 1950’s. As fu**ed up as AHS is, this is the perfect setting. Plus, I miss Carnivale and this will fill a need.
The Walking Dead
Anyone get traumatized by last night’s episode “The Grove”? If you are a comic fan, you are used to this, I want to know the soccer mom reaction.
The classic dungeon-crawler is getting a reboot this summer by WB Games. Check out the trailer below and remember the times wasting too much money on the arcade machine in a Mexican restaurant. Maybe that is just me.
Watch Dogs
Ubisoft is saying that it will take average players between 35-40 hours to complete the story with some free-roaming while completing the entire game could be around 100 hours. That is worth $60 if true.
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