Tag: Sera
Meet Kilo Squad In The New Gears Of War: Judgment Trailer
We are only days away from a return to Sera in Gears of War: Judgment. The prequel is set 14 years before the events in Gears of War and stars the returning Damon Baird, Augustus Cole and the rest of Kilo Squad. Who is the rest of Kilo Squad you might ask? Well that is…
Gears Of War Erector Sets Let You Build Sera’s Defense
Gears of War and Erector have joined forces to bring four sets exclusively to Toys R Us stores ranging in price from 20-50 dollars. Shown above is the King Raven helicopter which comprises over 300 pieces and four figures. The other three sets are the Centaur Tank, Armadillo APC and a Battle Set which can…