Tag: Music
Saints Row IV Soundtrack Features Over 100 Tracks
Saints Row IV is under a month away from release and now we know what tunes you will be listening to as you make your way around Steelport trying to save the world from an alien invasion. There are 109 tracks spread over seven radio station and the artists are just as unique and head…
Full Track From Hans Zimmer’s Man Of Steel Soundtrack For Your Ear Holes
Will anything be greater than John Williams’ Superman theme in terms of comic book movies? I will say no, but I’ll be damned if Hans Zimmer is not making a case for his theme from Man of Steel. Now you can go listen to a full track from Man of Steel. It is the music…
Rock Band Store Dies At 5 This April
While the release of new music games has pretty much been put six feet under Harmonix has been releasing weekly content to their ever expanding library. Now, it seems, that it can fight no more. April 2nd will be the last week of content release for the Rock Band store bringing to an end an…
John Williams Would Like To Compose The Next Star Wars
Legendary film composer John Williams has thrown his hat in the ring and gone on record saying he would like to work on the next set of Star Wars films. He said this found on jwfan.com: “We’re about to play Star Wars [audience interrupts with cheers] and each time we play it, I’m reminded of…
Amazon AutoRip Gives You Free MP3’s Of Your CD Library Since 1998.
Amazon has just added a literal ton to my cloud player. Today they have announced their new service called AutoRip. The basics of it are that for every CD you buy on Amazon.com you will have a free MP3 copy sent instantly to your Amazon Cloud Player. This means that while waiting on your CD…
Listen To The Hobbit Soundtrack In Its Entirety
Middle-Earth Music For Your Ear Holes. December 14th is quickly approaching which will see the release of Peter Jackson’s return to Middle-Earth in The Hobbit. Now you can listen to the entire soundtrack thanks to Rolling Stone. The soundtrack is composed by Howard Shore who did the music for Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings…