Tag: Epic Rap Battle
Skrillex Tries To (Dub)Step All Over Mozart In The Newest Epic Rap Battle
Is there no stopping what the guys at Epic Rap Battles can do? Check out their newest which has the dubstep master Skrillex taking on (arguably) the greatest composer of all time, Mozart. The real winner of this video are the people that made Epic Lloyd look like an exact Skrillex doppelganger. It’s damn freaky.
The Great Bambino Takes On The Nutless Wonder In The Newest Epic Rap Battle
Every time I watch a new Epic Rap Battle the one part that always amazes me is the writing. Like with the Nikola Tesla vs. Thomas Edison rap a few weeks back this fits in every reference it possibly can with the two characters. Ruth’s excessive eating and whoring and Armstrong’s drug use, Sheryl Crow and…
New Epic Rap Battle Let’s Tesla Get His Revenge
The guys at Epic Rap Battle are letting two giants in the world of invention a chance to verbally abuse each other. Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla make their cases why they were the greater inventor, even though Edison is remembered more fondly and famously. You see, Edison promised Tesla a huge payment for his…