Star Wars Episode VII Officially Set For December 18, 2015


Disney ended all speculation today by announcing that Star Wars Episode VII would release on December 18, 2015. It will be the first Star Wars movie to not open in the summer. Keeping with the times it will release in 3D (yay?) so expect a lot of lightsabers coming at the screen.

Recently J.J. Abrams asked Disney to delay the movie until 2016 but got a no from the Disney executives so this seems to be the closest thing Abrams would get. The director has teamed up with The Empire Strikes Back writer Lawrence Kasdan to take over the script from screenwriter Michael Arndt to get the project back on track. The new release date also makes sure that Disney’s eggs aren’t all in the same basket with The Avengers: Age of Ultron opening in May 2015. Now with Episode VII in December Disney should rule the year at the box office.

It doesn’t have to match the quality of the original films, just be better than the prequels. Please.



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