Here at NerdRating, we do our absolute best to bring you news and reviews in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, our lack of a time machine prevents us from reviewing games that we haven’t actual played, especially the ones that haven’t even been released yet. However, I’m sad to say that we’ve apparently been going about this whole thing back-asswards, as Matt Lees and the team at Video Gamer TV have devised a solution that I would have never thought of. You see, they’ve uncovered the ability to review games based solely on their respective E3 trailers, and I have to say, they’ve pretty much nailed it. So things around here will be pretty quiet from this point forward, as there’s hardly a reason for us to continue reporting news and previews on games that you already know the score for. Hopefully we can get in ahead of the curve next year, and bring you hard-hitting reviews based on leaked pieces of possible concept art.
Lastly, I’d like to throw my hat in the ring by giving Half-Life 3 – a title that is so completely new Valve still denies it exists – a Nerd Rating of 10/10. Will it live of to the hype? Of course it will; it’s a #*@&ing Half-Life game.
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